Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Flags in church?

My blogging has been remiss for a time. Post Easter lull I think. 

So I have a question: do flags belong in church? Meaning, does the American flag and/or the Episcopal flag belong in the "sanctuary", nave, choir or any other part of sacred space?  

Here at Christ Church in Exeter the American and Episcopal Flags were moved to the Chapel entry hallway (tucked in two corners) during the renovation about 8 years ago. Some members have long noticed and have asked me to return them.  Many others I presume have not noticed and have not mentioned anything.

So I have moved them into our narthex for now-- did so on Memorial Day weekend. And alas conversation has begun, which is a good thing.

What does it mean for Christians to have a national flag in their sacred space?  Is it a political statement? Is it neutralized by having an American flag next to an Episcopal flag? Is it a question of the separation of church and state? If so, should flags be allowed anywhere on church property?

I really hope we can have a conversation about this and come to some clarity about why we do what we do. Does the flag mean the same thing for everyone?  

Do share your thoughts... mpendeton@christchurchexeter.org

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