As many of you know, the work of the last two decades for many
of the Episcopal and Anglican churches in the CCN network has been lived out in
trying to reconcile progressive and traditional sides of the issues of gender
and human sexuality as it relates to the interpretation of Holy Scripture, the ordination
of gays and lesbians in open relationships, and marriage equality -- and dealing with the energy, tension and conflict caused by this focus. Many of our member communities have worked on these issues
in the name of justice, gospel generosity and hospitality -- living out we believe one of the core CCN themes of celebrating diversity.
The recent changes in the U.S. judicial courts opening the way
for greater marriage equality -- accompanied by a rapid and greater openness in
public opinion of same-gendered married couples -- has been surprised many who did not think these changes would come so quickly: myself included. We saw these
social changes taking place in much of Europe, but many did not see their prospect
for rapid change in America.
We continue to see many of our faith communities in the CCN
network reflect publicly on changing and pressing issues that
cry out for local models for dialogue and reconciliation: the growing income inequality in the U.S., the lack of movement on immigrant reform status and rights, the
growing concern about the changing weather patterns that are accompanying
climate change. Part of the constant challenge and opportunity of focusing on forgiveness and reconciliation as a gathering vision and ministry of the network is asking: where does it not touch our lives?
One growing area of concern for many is the accelerating number of
mass shootings in the United States and the political paralysis in government, specifically in confronting the
powerful National Rifle Association. Far too often, our churches are
praying in the aftermath of the carnage of mass killings. We hold vigils,
rallies, and protest the seeming insanity of rising number of mass shootings in
a country that is awash with guns.
The National Cathedral in Washington D.C., a CCN Friend, and its new dean held
a National Gun Violence Sabbath on March 14-17, 2013 that looked at the impact
of gun violence in America and called on people of faith to work towards solutions. Some numbers: In 2008, there were 39
gun murders in England Wales, 194 in Germany, 200 in Canada, and 9,484 in the
United States. There have been 20 mass shootings in the U.S. in the past five
years alone.
In his excellent book American and its Guns: A Theological Expose (Cascade Books, 2012) Presbyterian minister James E. Atwood makes a bold claim that America suffers from idolatry with its guns. He points to a statement by a former NRA executive Warren Cassidy who said “you would get a far better understanding of the NRA if you were approaching us as one of the great religions of the world.” Atwood quotes Martin Luther in his Larger Catechism, “if your faith and trust be right, then is your god also true; and on the other hand, if your trust be false and wrong, then you have not the true God.” Atwood urges peace fellowships to focus on gun violence, because any solution will require not just political will, but a spiritual, ethical and moral solution.
There is, I believe, a place for the Community of the Cross of
Nails to be a part of this conversation and movement. Our challenge is that in both national
politics and church conflicts, the opposing sides are moving further and
further apart. Some commentators
have made the claim that in Europe there is still a middle ground for
compromise and consensus, but that ground is much smaller in the U.S. There is a growing gap in
American society that is making it easier to create and foster new political
enemies and spiritual “others.” In
so-called Blue America (Obama and progressive) and Red America (anti-Obama and
conservative) we are fast becoming a society at war with itself in a time a
relative peace and prosperity at home. One needs to look no further than the
recent debt crisis and government shutdown in Washington.
With so many living and communicating via the anonymity of
social media – Twitter and Facebook -- we are losing the need, practice and art
of civil dialogue. Our society is forgetting how to set the terms of
debate, disagreement and work for the common good.
A growing vocation of the Community of the Cross of Nails could
become one of creating more intentional and focused meeting places for people
on all sides to learn or re-learn how to get the heart of serious issues that
cause division. In this way, we
return to our core historical narrative but in an updated context. A defining context
that is not post-War Germany and Britain, or Irish Catholic and Northern Irish
Protestant, or even the ongoing Palestinian and Israeli divide. The one with
whom we may be called to reconcile may be the person which whom we share a
workplace, the parents of our child's friends at school, and the neighbor across the
street. Our driving hope remains in John 17:21 when Jesus said: That all of them may be one, Father,
just as you are in me and I am in you.
Responding to the Question: What role has World War I in the public memory of your country
and will it be especially commemorated in 2014? And will your CCN take up the
In current American society, World War II always looms large over
demographics, politics, culture, and public memory. We are mindful that each
day 600-war veterans die. The children born in the boom years after World War
II are now reaching retirement age, causing a stress to social entitlement and
welfare programs.
The shadow and memory of World War I is a more distant historical
memory in American society, which invites clear benefits of centennial commemorations
of the beginning of what was called a war to end all wars. The recent use of
chemical weapons in Syria and the seeming pullback from a military strike on
the Assad regime by Britain and the United States has allowed the issue of
chemical weapons to reemerge in the public debate. It was after all the use of chemical
weapons in World War I, specially the chlorine and mustard gases that caused
deaths in the tens of thousands and over a million casualties. New gases were created and perfected
during the conflict, causing some to call World War I the “Chemist’s war.” The
use of gas in the Holocaust, in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and recently in Syria –
to exterminate, kill indiscriminate and terrorize a population, gave rise to President
Obama’s chemical weapon red line comment that gained much attention. In commemorating
the beginning World War I, there is an opportunity for the CCN to share in the education of the work that reduce global chemical weapons stockpiles and pray and call for their
Mark B. Pendleton
President, Community of the Cross of Nails-North America
Mark B. Pendleton
President, Community of the Cross of Nails-North America
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