The Third Week of Easter
April 18, 2013
From the Rector
A First
Week: Hope and Tragedy
I had not yet gotten through my
first official day in the office this past Monday when I took a phone call late
in the afternoon: "have you heard the news?" I had not. Yet I had
heard those words before. We all have. I heard them in December while I was in
Connecticut to hear the horrendous news of the deaths of so many little ones
and their courageous teachers in nearby Newtown - an event that shook the state
and nation to our core. The bombings this past Monday at the Boston Marathon
brought back a flood of memories to this nation and caused life-changing
injuries and life-ending anguish. No words, beyond the timeless and
sacred words of our faith tradition, can meet such losses and even try to make
sense of them to cobble together any understanding of the "whys?" we
all ask during these times.
As I begin my ministry as
priest, pastor and fellow Christian on a shared journey with you, I confess
that chances are that there will be other phone calls and text messages in the
years ahead: "have you heard the news?" May they be rare
in number. May any nightmare calls that come our way be outnumbered by
joy-filled ones like: "I am a new grandparent... we are expecting our
first child... my daughter got accepted into college... the lab results are
clean... or I found a job after looking for far longer than I had
imagined." May our hope and joy outweigh any darkness that covers us
during times of tragedy, death and loss. And yes, that is the Easter
message, isn't it? God's love trumping the shadow of death: love
more powerful than the acts of those who would diminish goodness and defile
I look forward to my first
Sunday with you on April 21. The Search Committee is graciously planning to
host receptions after the two services to welcome my family and me. I thank
them for one more act of service after this prolonged period of transition and
May our prayers this week reach
the One to whom we pray and from whom all is given. May God heal those
shattered by the events in Boston. And may God remind us all always
- always - that we live and rest in God's eternal presence.
Mark B. Pendleton
Follow me on Twitter
Christ Church
in Exeter, New Hampshire
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