Is this Christmas harder than last? Last year we were still worshipping all remotely and family gatherings were small if at all.
2021 is different. We have vaccines, but many have refused them. Many of those I know are boosted, yet new variants are breaking through. We are in church singing and masking, yet some are still staying away.
As for our family, I will pray that we find joy in a small Christmas. We are in this odd place between just one aging parent left, and with adult children, one now in the Midwest, who are not ready to bring young infants into a holiday mix. We all know children add to the season.
So maybe this year is harder. We have to wait a bit more. For poor countries to get vaccinated. For others here join this cause of public safety. For constant fear of others to abate.
We need Christmas this year. We always do.
December 20, 2021