The Good Samaritan
In the state of New Hampshire where I live, “if any person, in good faith, renders
emergency care at the place of the happening on an emergency, and if the acts
of care are made in good faith and without willful or wanton negligence, the
person who renders the care is not liable in civil damages for his acts or
omissions in rendering the care. Any
person rendering emergency care shall have the duty to place the injured person
under the care of a physician, nurse, or other person qualified to care for
such person as soon as possible and to obey the instructions of such qualified
protection is called the Good Samaritan
The parable of
the Good Samaritan, along with that of the Prodigal Son, are perhaps the two
best known stories that Jesus told that capture the essence of living a
faithful life. It is also one that in
many ways preaches itself.
In this
parable, an expect in the Law, asks for clarity and certainty from Jesus about
who it is that he should love as much as God with his whole heart, soul,
strength and mind.
“And who is my neighbor?” he asked. “The one who showed mercy to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers and was left to die.”
Should events in the world today shape the gospel message
and or should the gospel message shape world events?
I don’t know about you: but I’m growing weary. I am not hopeless, for to live without hope
would be to deny who we are as Christians. We are people of resurrection.
Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust at Auschwitz and
Buchenwald, died a week ago. A winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize, he was a moral giant who implored the world to never
Wiesel tells the story in one of his many novels of a boy
named Michael who was haunted by the image of the man in his village who
watched from a window above the square where Jews were being rounded up to be
taken away to concentration camps.
Weisel wrote: This, this was the thing I wanted to
understand ever since the war. Nothing else. How a human being can remain
indifferent. The executioners I understood: also the victims, though with more
difficulty. For the others, all the others, those who were neither for nor
against, those who sprawled in passive patience, those who told themselves,
“The storm will blow over and everything will be normal again,” those who
thought themselves about the battle, those who were permanently and merely
spectators – all those were closed to me…. How can anyone remain a spectator
indefinitely? (from The Town Beyond the Wall)
The Samaritan in the parable made a choice. He would not be
a spectator. He did what he could. He came near.
He stopped. He cared. He bandaged the man’s wounds and brought him to
The late theologian Robert Webber liked to say, the future
of the church is ancient.
Perhaps this ancient story has some wisdom for you and me in
troubled times when our nation is on edge.
We have an obligation to each other. We cannot be just spectators.
So, who is my neighbor?
Alton Sterling
Philando Castile
The five fallen in Dallas:
Lorne Ahrens
Michael Krol
Michael Smith
Brent Thompson
Patrick Zamarippa